LINKS: – Peer-reviewed Articles – White Papers & Other Articles – Theses and Study Reports – Recent Reports for DoD – Other Reports – – – – – Educational Resources – Blogs – Presentations |
Peer-reviewed Articles
Links to article pages are provided below; some PDF files are available depending on journal policies and access options on ResearchGate.
Harkness, B. A. S., Ibarguchi, G., Poland, V. & Friesen, V. L. (2024). Historical fragmentation and stepping-stone gene flow led to population genetic differentiation in a coastal seabird. Ecology and Evolution, 14(4), e11204. |
Ibarguchi, G., V. Rajdev, M.S. Murray. 2018. Are current research funding structures sufficient to address rapid Arctic change in a meaningful way? Polar Research 37(1). DOI: |
Ibarguchi, G. 2014. From Southern Cone arid lands, across Atacama, to the Altiplano: biodiversity and conservation at the ends of the world. Biodiversity 15 (255-264). DOI: |
Christensen, T., J. Payne, M. Doyle, G. Ibarguchi, J. Taylor, N. M. Schmidt, M. Gill, M. Svoboda, M. Aronsson, C. Behe, C. Buddle, C. Cuyler, A. M. Fosaa, A. D. Fox, S. Heidmarsson, P. Henning Krogh, J. Madsen, D. McLennan, J. Nymand, C. Rosa, J. Salmela, R. Shuchman, M. Soloviev, M. Wedege. 2013. Arctic Terrestrial Biodiversity Monitoring Plan. Terrestrial Expert Monitoring Group. Circumpolar Biodiversity Monitoring Program (CAFF-Arctic Council). CAFF Monitoring Series Report Nr. 7. CAFF International Secretariat, Akureyri, Iceland. |
Ibarguchi, G., A. J. Gaston, V. L. Friesen. 2011. Philopatry, morphological divergence, and kin groups: structuring in thick-billed murres (Uria lomvia, Alcidae) within a colony in Arctic Canada. Journal of Avian Biology 42. 134-150. DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-048X.2010.05023.x |
Ibarguchi, G., V. L. Friesen, S. C. Lougheed. 2006. Defeating numts: Semi-pure mitochondrial DNA from eggs and simple purification methods for field-collected wildlife tissues. Genome 49. 1438-1450. DOI: 10.1139/g06-107 |
Ibarguchi, G., G. J. Gissing, A. J. Gaston, P. T. Boag, V. L. Friesen. 2004. Male-biased mutation rates and the overestimation of extra-pair paternity: problem, solution, and illustration using Thick-billed Murres (Uria lomvia, Alcidae). Journal of Heredity 95(3). 209-216. DOI: 10.1093/jhered/esh029 |
Ibarguchi, G., T. P. Birt, K. I. Warheit, P. T. Boag, V. L. Friesen. 2000. Microsatellite Loci from Common and Thick-Billed Murres, Uria aalge and U. lomvia. Molecular Ecology 9. 638-639. DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-294x.2000.00882-5.x |
White Papers and Other Articles
Ritchason R., Greenebaum A., McCarty C. J., Ibarguchi. G. 2018. Hands-on Conservation of Western Snowy Plovers. Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) CONNECT Magazine. [July] – |
LeBlond P. and Ibarguchi G. 2016. Towards an international scientific observatory at the North Pole. Arctic Observing Summit 2016 (peer-reviewed white paper; published online: |
Theses and Independent Study Reports
Ph.D. Thesis – Queen’s University, Canada (2011) | Ibarguchi G. Biogeography and diversification of the Andean seedsnipes (Charadriiformes: Thinocoridae): An Antarctic avian lineage? |
Independent Study – Queen’s University, Canada (1998-1999) | Ibarguchi G. Estimates of evolutionary divergence and phylogenetic relationships within Cracidae and among other basal birds. Report for the Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa (link) |
M.Sc. – Queen’s University, Canada (1998) | Ibarguchi G. A study of kin groups and genetic structure in a philopatric seabird, the thick-billed murre (Uria lomvia; Alcidae) |
Short study – Queen’s University, Canada (1997) | Ibarguchi G. Sexual Size Dimorphism in the Thick-billed Murre: A test of the Niche Differentiation and Sexual Selection Models |
Hon. B.Sc. – University of Toronto, Scarborough (1994) | Ibarguchi G. Does kin selection drive the evolution of sociality in lace bugs (Gargaphia tiliae)? |
Recent Reports for the U. S. Navy and U. S. Marine Corps on federally-listed birds
Annual reports for Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton and Department of the Navy, Environmental Core, NAVFAC SW, San Diego. Prepared by: Institute for Conservation Research, San Diego Zoo Global, Escondido, CA.
2020 – Post, M. L., Ozkan K., Ibarguchi G., Aguiar A. B., Schuetz J., Vilchis I., and Swaisgood R. Naval Base Coronado California Least Tern and Western Snowy Plover Monitoring, 2019. (Report plus appendices) |
2019 – Post, M. L., Ozkan K., Ibarguchi G., Aguiar A. B., Schuetz J., Vilchis I., and Swaisgood R. Naval Base Coronado California Least Tern and Western Snowy Plover Monitoring, 2018. (Report plus appendices) |
2018 – Post M. L., Ibarguchi G., Aguiar, A. B, Ryan T., Vilchis I., Swaisgood R. Naval Base Coronado California Least Tern and Western Snowy Plover Monitoring, 2017. (Report plus appendices) |
2017 – Murbock K., Post M. L., Ibarguchi G., Ryan T., Nordstrom L., Vilchis I., and Swaisgood R. California Least Tern and Western Snowy Plover Monitoring at Naval Base Coronado, California, 2016. (Report plus appendices) |
Annual reports for Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton and Department of the Navy, Environmental Core, NAVFAC SW, San Diego. Prepared by: Institute for Conservation Research, San Diego Zoo Global, Escondido, CA.
2019 – Smith R., Wooten T., Ibarguchi G., Aguiar A. B., Schuetz J., Vilchis I., and Swaisgood R. Status of California Least Terns and Western Snowy Plovers Breeding at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California. (Two reports plus appendices) |
2018 – Wooten, T., Smith R., Ibarguchi G., Aguiar A. B., Schuetz J., Vilchis I., and Swaisgood R. Status of California Least Terns and Western Snowy Plovers Breeding at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California. (Two reports plus appendices) |
2017 – Wooten T., Smith R., Ibarguchi G., Aguiar A. B., Vilchis I., and Swaisgood R. Status of California Least Terns and Western Snowy Plovers Breeding at Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton, California. (Two reports plus appendices) |
2016 – Wooten T., Smith R., Ibarguchi G., Nordstrom L., Vilchis I., and Swaisgood R. Status of California Least Terns and Western Snowy Plovers Breeding at Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton, California. (Two reports plus appendices) |
Other Reports
2020 |
Ibarguchi G. (2021) Collaboration to conserve federally listed coastal birds in Orange County – 2020 Nesting Season: California Least Tern egg quality and productivity and Western Snowy Plover nesting summaries. Report for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and California Dept. Fish & Wildlife (CDFW). |
2020 |
Ibarguchi G. et al. (2020) Western Snowy Plover and California Least Tern Summary Project Report. Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, 2019 Season. Report for USFWS and CDFW. |
Ibarguchi G. et al. (2020) Western Snowy Plover and California Least Tern Summary Project Report. Naval Base Coronado, 2019 Season. Report for USFWS and CDFW. |
2019 |
Ibarguchi G., Wooten T., Post M. L., Smith R., Ozkan K., and Aguiar A. B. (2019) Pilot study on the utility of alphanumeric flags for Western Snowy Plovers for population studies (2017 and 2018): Summary Project Report for U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, California Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, and USGS Bird Banding Laboratory. (January 2019). Institute for Conservation Research, San Diego Zoo Global, Escondido, CA. |
Ibarguchi G. et al. (2019) Western Snowy Plover and California Least Tern Summary Project Report. Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, 2018 Season. Report for USFWS and CDFW. |
Ibarguchi G. (2019) Western Snowy Plover and California Least Tern Summary Project Report. Naval Base Coronado, 2018 Season. Report for USFWS and CDFW. |
Vilchis I. (2019) Update for USFWS, CDFW, and USGS Bird Banding Lab. Device effects of miniaturized GPS loggers attached to California least terns. (Co-Investigator: Ibarguchi G.) |
Ibarguchi G., Ryan T., Nguyen L., Egger C., Griswold R., Wooten T., and Aguiar A. B. (2019) Adaptive management and proactive habitat supplementation for California Least Tern recovery in a changing climate. Warne Family Endowment Fund, Orange County Community Foundation. Report and Appendix A & B. Institute for Conservation Research, San Diego Zoo Global, Escondido, CA. |
2018 |
Ibarguchi, G., and M.L. Post (2018). Pilot studies of California Least Tern diet, foraging and chick provisioning at Naval Base Coronado – Rationale and summary of preliminary trials from the 2017 breeding season. San Diego Zoo Institute for Conservation Research, Escondido, CA. |
Ibarguchi, G., Ryan T., Nguyen L., Egger C., Griswold R., Wooten T., and Aguiar A. (2018). Supporting recovery of endangered California Least Terns: restoration, expanded monitoring, and planning for new nesting. Annual report for the Warne Family Endowment Fund and the Orange County Community Foundation. Institute for Conservation Research, San Diego Zoo Global, Escondido, CA. |
Murray, M. S., Sankar R. D., and Ibarguchi G. (2018) Arctic Observing Summit: Background and Synthesis of Outcomes 2013-2016. International Study of Arctic Change (ISAC), Arctic Institute of North America, Calgary. (link) |
2017 |
Ibarguchi, G., T. Ryan, L. Nguyen, C. Egger, and R. Griswold (2017). Habitat enhancement and monitoring for recovery of endangered California Least Terns (CLTE). Annual report for the Warne Family Endowment Fund and the Orange County Community Foundation (September 2017). Institute for Conservation Research, San Diego Zoo Global, Escondido, CA. |
Oey, E.J., Ibarguchi G., and Vilchis I. (2017). Determining prey variation of the Western Snowy Plover across multiple sites using multidimensional scaling: a pilot study of diet. Institute for Conservation Research, San Diego Zoo Global, Escondido, CA. |
2016 |
Ibarguchi G., Smith R., and Wooten T. (2016) Habitat Enhancement for California Least Terns, with benefits for Western Snowy Plovers: Recommendations for nesting beaches at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton. Institute for Conservation Research, San Diego Zoo Global, Escondido, CA. |
Ibarguchi G. and Murray M. (2016). Arctic Observing Summit 2016. 3rd Biennial Arctic Observing Summit, University of Alaska Fairbanks, AK, USA, March 15 – 18, 2016. Draft Report. ISAC International Program Office, Arctic Institute of North America, University of Calgary, Canada. |
2015 |
Ibarguchi, G., Murray M., Schlosser P., Rajdev V., van der Watt L.-M. (2015) The Arctic Observing Summit: Progress Toward an Integrated, Multipurpose, and International Arctic Observing System. Arctic SIGnal Newsletter, Arctic Special Interest Group, Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society, 2(2): 5-10 |
Murray M. and Ibarguchi G. (2015) The Arctic Observing Summit and the International Study of Arctic Change Program (ISAC). Northern Notes, Issue 44 (Autumn/Winter 2015) (Newsletter, IASSA – International Arctic Social Sciences Association) |
Ibarguchi, G. and Murray M. (2015) Workshop Report: Partnership between the Scientific Community and Arctic Stakeholders (PaSCAS): Responding to Change Workshop. Report from the Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW) 2015, Toyama, Japan. ISAC International Program Office, Arctic Institute of North America, University of Calgary, Canada. |
Ibarguchi G., Doyle M., Murray M., Beamish A., Brooker A., Carpenter M., Ernst C., Harper K., Kambo D., Kutz S., Alexander Trusiak A., Williams S., and Young H. Arctic Regions Essential Components Integrated Monitoring Design (AREC). Integrated Arctic Site-based Monitoring Design: Freshwater and Terrestrial Ecosystems. (Version: 2015-03-31). Final report for Environment Canada. Arctic Institute of North America, University of Calgary, Canada. |
Murray M. and Ibarguchi G. (2015). The Arctic Observing Summit. Report on the AOS 2014 for the Office of Naval Research Global. ISAC International Program Office, Arctic Institute of North America, University of Calgary, Canada. |
2014 and prior years |
Murray M. and Ibarguchi G. (2014). The Arctic Observing Summit. Report on Summit achievements towards comprehensive, adaptive, and sustained Arctic observing, 2013 and 2014. ISAC International Program Office, Arctic Institute of North America, University of Calgary, Canada. |
Ibarguchi, G. (2012) Alpine plants to waterbirds: Antarctica as a source of cold-hardy lineages around the world. (Canadian Antarctic Research Network Newsletter – 2013; Canadian Polar Commission) |
Gaston, T., Provencher J., Ibarguchi G. (2011) Studies of Marine Birds at Coats Island, 2010 (Technical report for the Government of Nunavut and Environment Canada). |
Ibarguchi G. (2010) Report on breeding, banding and samples collected from thick-billed murres (Uria lomvia) from Coats Island, Nunavut, Canada 2010. (Technical report for the National Wildlife Research Centre, Environment Canada, Ottawa) |
Janssen I., Jiménez-Alvarado J. A., González Álvarez C., Ibarguchi G., Héroux M., and López-Taylor J. R. (2010) Overview of obesity research in Mexico. (Comprehensive review and analyses; report available from Red Mexicana para el Combate de la Obesidad – OBESIRED Network) |
Ivimey D. and Ibarguchi G. (2010) CAMBIO (Canada and Mexico Battling Childhood Obesity) Technical Report Year 3, Teasedale-Corti Team: Unravelling the Emerging Childhood Obesity Epidemic in Mexico – The Nutrition Transition. (Technical report for the International Development Research Centre, Ottawa) |
Ibarguchi G. (1999) Estimates of evolutionary divergence and phylogenetic relationships within Cracidae and among other [basal] birds. (Report for the Canadian Museum of Nature, Aylmer, QC; M. Gosselin) |
Ibarguchi G. (2005) Diversificación de la Avifauna Andina: las agachonas (Fam. Thinocoridae). Informe-2005. (Report written for Chile and Argentina government and park offices: CONAF [National Parks, Chile], SAG [National Wildlife Service, Chile], Administración de Parques Nacionales [Argentina], and provincial natural resources governments [Argentina]) |
Ibarguchi G. (2004) Mitochondrial DNA purification for use in wildlife studies using the MtDNA Extractor WB and CT Kits (Wako Chemicals USA). (Report written for Wako Chemicals USA, Inc.) |
Ibarguchi G. (2002) Diversificación de la Avifauna Andina: las agachonas (Fam. Thinocoridae). Primer Informe Anual. (Report written for government and park offices in Argentina: Secretaría de Turismo y Áreas Protegidas in Chubut Province, Administración de Parques Nacionales, and eight provincial natural resources offices) |
Ibarguchi G. (1999) Genetic sexing of thick-billed murres: A technical note for the Canadian Wildlife Service. (Manual with protocols for seabirds written for A. J. Gaston, Environment Canada) |